
The key target audience for Update in Nephrology and Hypertension remains Primary Care Physicians, Physician Assistants, Specialty Physicians, Nurses as well as Fellows and Residents who are interested in the latest updates in Nephrology.

For more information, download the full exhibit prospectus

Ready to Sign Up?

  1. Register to exhibit and submit payment on our Exhibit Registration Site (Select the Exhibitors tab across the top)
  2. After selecting your exhibit level and submitting payment (or indicating payment via check), you will have the opportunity to provide the names of reps in attendance.
  3. That’s it! You should have received a confirmation email. Exhibit reps will be contacted in the month before the conference with set-up information.

For additional questions, contact the Conference Coordinator, Alexandria Heverly at alexandriaa23@ufl.edu.

Exhibitor Resources: